6th Urogenital Pathology Meeting in the Czech Republic

13th-15th June 2024

Mikulov, South Moravia, Czech Republic


Course directors: Kristýna Pivovarčíková and Michal Michal

Šikl´s Department of Pathology Charles University Hospital and Medical Faculty Plzeň, Czech Republic
and Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o., Plzeň Czech Republic

Endorsed by: Genitourinary Pathology Society (GUPS)



The 6th meeting of an informal club „Kidney Tumor Friends“ will be held this year in Mikulov, the Czech Republic. The meeting will take place in the hotel Galant (https://galant.cz/hotel-galant-mikulov/). The format of the meeting will be a combination of an interactive microscopic seminar (Thursday, June 13) and lectures (Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15). 

The meeting will focus mainly on diagnostics problems in general GU pathology, rare and new kidney tumors, testicular tumors and prostatic lesions. The majority of speakers are authors of WHO classifications, therefore it is possible to expect brand new reviews of GU problematic. Registration will be limited to 80 participants for the interactive microscopy seminar (due to limited capacity), the lectures are without capacity limitation.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in the Czech Republic.

Sincerely yours, 

Kristýna Pivovarčíková and Michal Michal



  • Microscopic premeeting – slide seminar

    Start End Topic Speaker
    13:30 14:15 Interesting and misleading cases of the prostate Cristina Magi-Galluzzi
    14:15 15:00 Focused on the pink renal tumours Reza Alaghehbandan
    15:00 15:30 COFFEE BREAK
    15:30 16:15 Interesting and misleading cases of the kidney Sean Williamson
    16:15 17:00 Focused on the soft tissue lesions of GU Abbas Agaimy
    17:00 17:45 Interesting and misleading cases of the testis Michal Michal
  • Joint meeting urologists and pathologists dedicated to prof. Ondřej Hes

    Start End Topic Speaker Duration
    10:30 10:40 Tribute to O. Hes Kiril Trpkov 10´
    10:40 11:00 Kidney tumours - News in EAU guidelines Milan Hora 20´
    11:00 11:20 Identification of potential biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets in kidney cancer Zoran Gatalica 20´
    11:20 11:40 Role of cytology and histopathology in in diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of urothelial cancer Antonín Brisuda 20´
    11:40 12:00 Updated pathology reporting standards for bladder cancer biopsies, transuretral resections and radical cystectomies Eva Comperat 20´
    12:00 12:20 Role of biomarkers and histopathology in diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of prostate cancer Štěpán Veselý 20´
    12:20 12:35 Should grade group 1 prostate cancer be reclassified as "non-cancer"? A pathology community perspective Ming Zhou 15´
    12:35 12:50 Amyloid in GU tract - what pathologists and urologists should know? Maria Picken 15´
    12:50 13:00 Discussion
  • KTF meeting

    Start End Topic Speaker Duration
    14:00 14:10 Introduction – KTF history Kristyna Pivovarcikova 10´
    14:10 14:25 Flat urothelial lesions – reactive or neoplastic? Eva Comperat 15´
    14:25 14:45 Urothelial carcinoma subtypes Eva Comperat 20´
    14:45 15:10 Mimickers of urothelial carcinoma – the differential diagnosis and best practice recommendation for urinary tumor immunohistochemistry Kristyna Pivovarcikova 25´
    15:10 15:35 Neuroendocrine tumour in GU – practical approach Delia Perez Montiel 25´
    15:35 15:55 Pseudomyofibromatous proliferation in urinary bladder – what does it mean? Sean Williamson 20´
    15:55 16:20 COFFEE BREAK
    16:20 17:05 Testicular and paratesticular soft tissue tumors and pseudotumorous lesions Abbas Agaimy 45´
    17:05 17:30 Sex-cord stromal tumours of the testis Kvetoslava Michalova 25´
    17:30 18:15 Penile cancer: precursor lesions, squamous cell carcinoma and clinical significance of squamous cell carcinoma subtypes Isabel Alvarado Cabrero 45´
    19:30 00:00 DINNER
  • KTF meeting

    Start End Topic Speaker Duration
    8:00 8:25 Best practice recommendation for renal tumours immunohistochemistry Reza Alaghehbandan 25´
    8:25 9:10 Diagnostic and IHC approach to kidney biopsies performed for a renal mass Kiril Trpkov 45´
    9:10 9:45 Renal cell carcinoma staging and grading – pitfalls and challenges Mahul Amin 35´
    9:45 10:10 Practical insights into intratumor heterogeneity of clear cell renal cell carcinoma Pepe Lopez 25´
    10:10 10:35 Cystic renal tumours in children Gordan Vujanic 25´
    10:35 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
    11:00 11:15 Cystic lesions of the kidney – the differential diagnosis Maria Tretiakova 15´
    11:15 11:50 The morphologic spectrum of renal cell carcinoma NOS – how to deal with it? Sean Williamson 35´
    11:50 12:10 Papillary renal cell carcinoma – an update Farshid Siadat 20´
    12:10 12:50 State of the art 2024 - molecularly defined renal carcinomas Maria Tretiakova 40´
    12:50 13:50 LUNCH
    13:50 14:30 Renal Cell Tumors with Clear Cytoplasm: Differential Diagnosis and Approach to Clinicopathological Work-up Rajal Shah 40´
    14:30 15:00 Non-neoplastic renal pathology in kidney resections – survival guide for general surgical pathologist Maria Picken 30´
    15:00 15:30 Intraductal proliferative lesions of the prostate Ming Zhou 30´
    15:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
    16:00 16:40 Prostate cancer: diagnostic criteria, grading and role of immunohistochemistry Cristina Magi-Galluzzi 40´
    16:40 17:10 Non-acinar carcinoma of the prostate Yang Ximing 30´
    17:10 17:40 Mesenchymal Tumours of the Prostate Nesi Gabriella 30´
    17:40 17:55 Legacy of Ondra Hes - wetlands and Eden Foundation Kristyna Pivovarcikova, David Michal, Mirka Hesova 15´


Isabel Alvarado Cabrero
Mexico City)

Abbas Agaimy

Reza Alaghehbandan

Mahul Amin

Eva Comperat

Cristina Magi-Galluzzi

Zoran Gatalica

Jose I. Lopez

Kveta Michalova

Gabriella Nesi

Delia Perez Montiel
Mexico City)

Maria Picken

Rajal Shah

Maria Tretiakova

Kiril Trpkov

Sean Williamson

Ximing Yang

Zhou Ming

Gordan Vujanic

Michal Michal

Kristyna Pivovarcikova




The 6th Urogenital Pathology Meeting in The Czech Republic, Mikulov, Czech Republic 13/06/2024 - 15/06/2024 , has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 17.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Language: English

Targeted audience: general surgical pathologists

Registration Fee:
A: 150 Euro (lectures) - includes lectures and discussions, 2 lunches, 4 coffee breaks,
B: 50 Euro (slide seminar) - includes participation on slide seminar + 1 coffee break.

For registered foreign guests we offer individual transportation from/to Vienna airport for 70 Euro/person (both trips from/to airport), provided the exact flight information (flight number, date and time of arrival/departure) are supplied by a registered participant by June 10 at the latest. Please send you flight details to ktf2024@biopticka.cz.

There will be 2 dinners for speakers and participants (Thursday and Friday evening). Price is 30 Euro/person/dinner

Accommodation is not provided by the organizers. Suggestions for hotels in Mikulov will be posted on our website as well as basic information about location of meeting and about city of Mikulov.

Meeting fee will not be refunded after payment. For cancellation policy of the hotels, please, contact the web-sites hotels and hostels.

Ktf24.cz © 2023 - 2025 | Photo source: the town of Mikulov